The DeFi Apps on our DEX

Discover our DeFi apps, which we make available to you on our platform.


Swap your favorite cryptos and tokens on our DEX to gain exposure to different assets and take advantage of decentralized trading features such as greater flexibility, accessibility, and lower fees.

Liquidity Pools

Offer liquidity and earn cryptos: By providing liquidity, you also contribute an important part to the maintenance of the platform. Of course, we want to reward this and also give a part of the trading fees to the liquidity providers.

Single $PUNK Pools

Staking in our single $PUNK pools, allows you to receive rewards in $PUNK or other currencies. You only need to put $PUNK in the pool to be able to participate in the pool and receive the rewards. 


Provide liquidity from two different pairs of tokens to increase your winnings. Liquidity providers will also receive a portion of the DEX fees and will be rewarded in $PUNK tokens. This way you get the maximum out of the DeFi Apps.

NFT Farming

With the NFT farms it will be possible for the first time to use NFTs in the DeFi sector. Until now, NFTs were considered by the general public to be only expensive PFPs with hardly any other applications. With our NFT Farms we change exactly this opinion and bring NFTs into the DeFi sector, in order to be able to extend the area of application. Here it is possible to combine NFTs directly with normal erc20 tokens to earn $PUNK tokens as reward, like in a "normal" farm.